Snickers - Halloween Petition

Trick or Treat!

Parents across the country rejoice every year October 31st happens to fall on a Saturday, making it easy to take the kids trick or treating without having to leave work early.

Halloween as a holiday has evolved dramatically from it’s pagan roots, so is there any real reason it has to happen on October 31t?

This is a question that hundreds of thousands of people agreed with, as an official petition to move Halloween to Saturday permanently gained traction on

As the most popular candy brand every October, we had Snickers weigh in on the subject - offering up 1 million free Snickers bars should the date of Halloween actually be changed by the Federal Government.

We knew that would never actually happen, but sparked tons of conversation on why we don’t make trick or treating take place during the times the most people could enjoy getting delicious Snickers from their neighbors.


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