UNO - Colorblind Edition

Making the game playable for everyone.

Uno is the most popular non-collectible card game in the world, and the fourth most popular toy across the entire industry. That success is largely due to Uno’s inclusive design. Much like a typical deck of cards, it’s playable by anyone.

But can a game truly be “for everyone” if 350 million people can’t play? With 1 in 12 men worldwide living with colorblindness, that’s a whole lot of kids and adults feeling left out every game night.

So we had Mattel partner with ColorADD, a design system which uses iconography to identify colors, to create the first ever deck of UNO cards that is truly universally accessible.

This news didn’t just generate hundreds of millions of media impressions - the UNO ColorADD cards are now permanently on display at the Smithsonian Institute’s Cooper Hewitt Design Museum.


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