Soundly - Roblox

Reducing the stigma of hearing loss.

Soundly is a new company committed to helping those that suffer from hearing loss navigate the byzantine world of finding treatment.

Why is this so important? Over 34 million children around the world suffer from hearing loss, but only 1 in 10 actively seek treatment - and the stigma around wearing hearing aids is the main reason why.

We needed to help make wearing a hearing aid as normal, acceptable, and stylish as wearing glasses, so we turned to a place where kids are expressing themselves visually more than anywhere else: Roblox.

Roblox had hundreds of thousands of accessories for players to customize their avatars, but only one hearing aid...a boring grey one at that.

So we partnered with one of Roblox’s top in-game designers to create the first ever line of hearing aids, and we made them fun, and made them free for all players to wear.

The results? Thousands of players downloaded the hearing aids, gaming media celebrated this moment of inclusivity, and most importantly, kids suffering from hearing loss felt a little less ostracized.


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