Budweiser - Bud on Mars

The Final Frontier of Beer.

The modern space race is being fought by the world’s richest men - each trying to outdo one another to reach the stars. When SpaceX revealed their plans for a spaceship to bring humans all the way to Mars, we noticed one huge flaw in their design…4 months is a long trip, and those voyagers might want to relax with a beer, and they’ll definitely need a cold one once they get to the red planet.

But getting the sorely needed Budweiser’s to Mars is no easy feat, and a lot of science still needs to be done to figure out just how to brew beer in space.

So that’s why we launched Bud on Mars - a multipart commitment by Anheuser-Busch to be the first company to bring beer to the cosmos.

We kicked things off by announcing our bold pledge, then explained the difficulties and engineering issues at a SXSW panel hosted by Kate Mara from The Martian, AB brewers, and real life Astronaut Clay Anderson.

Next, we partnered with Blue Origin to get the science started, sending a shipment of Budweiser Hops to the International Space Station to determine how to grow the building block of beer in a Zero G environment.

And when that first spaceship takes off to Mars in the coming decades, the travelers will rest easy knowing there’s an ice-cold Bud waiting for them when they land.


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